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What are the best vitamins to take in the spring. What vitamins should be taken in the spring? What vitamins should be consumed in the spring


If you have never read about medicine and drugs in a satirical way, but want to try it, then the book Modicina by Nikita Zhukov is for you. If you want a list of medicines that have not been proven effective by research, it's right there in the book. And if you do not know what vitamins to buy, then just read this short passage - as scientific as it is caustic and uncompromising.

Vitamins are non-nutrients that need to be in the diet for proper metabolism. Non-nutritive means that they have no energy value (unlike fats, proteins or carbohydrates), but the functioning of our body without them is impossible.

In past centuries, the lack of only one of the vitamins as a result of national nutritional habits of the population or isolation from normal food (at sea, for example) led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, and the damage from this was incomparably higher than the participation of countries in wars (this outrage continued until until the 1950s).

Vitamins are considered an evolutionary group of substances that the human body (and other living beings - even bacteria need vitamins) cannot produce on its own, just like 8 essential amino acids; perhaps due to the fact that there are already quite a lot of them in the environment. So we have to use them.

The largest number of them falls on plants due to the fact that all kinds of herbs are producers in the food chain - that is, they produce complex substances from simple substances, which are then transformed into the meat of primary consumers - herbivores. But they do not accumulate vitamins, just like we do, so there are still fewer vitamins in meat food.

Does this mean the triumph of veganism? No, it doesn’t, because although plants contain both nutrients and vitamins, there are very few of the most expensive and valuable in them, we are, of course, talking about protein. So meat is for the rich, Earth is for earthlings, grass is for vegans.

I always remember when the frosts pass and the sun appears. Spring blooms not only with allergic rhinitis / flowers, but also with exacerbations: from ulcers and schizophrenia to asthma; so spring also needs to be treated.

So, how not to catch all the flu and runny nose again?

  • For example, walk a lot. Not on the Internet, but on the street; ideally where there are fewer people and more clean air.
  • Your favorite multivitamins are not medicines, but vile dietary supplements that all pharmacies are filled with, and pharmacists themselves usually do not know what to sell you. Do they need to be taken? Unless to calm the soul - you don’t have any beriberi.

Who needs vitamins?

“In the morning I give the child a complex vitamin, and it becomes so calm in my soul - the child received all the necessary vitamins!”

Everyone in a row does not need multivitamins, especially children (I say this in the hope that they eat normally with you). Young children require the prevention of rickets with vitamin D and walks in the sun, drop by drop once a day, for artificial people half a drop daily or drop by drop every other day (instruction for those living in the taiga, the rest - to the pediatrician).

Hypovitaminosis of a specific vitamin or microelement - the doctor will suspect him and if he proves it with an analysis, he will prescribe the right wheel.

“All sorts of different doctors in all clinics and pharmacies prescribe multivitamins“ for pregnant women ”to everyone in a row.”

With pregnancy, the situation is this: everyone needs to eat right, and pregnant women need to eat right more than everyone else. Sometimes you can add only folic acid (in fact, the amount folic acid does not decrease during pregnancy, and its reserves during proper nutrition quite enough. The WHO bases its recommendations on folic acid on underdeveloped starving countries, to which this country is almost no longer a member.)

There is no evidence of the benefit of pregnant women taking vitamins of group B, as well as C, D, E and magnesium. The same is with iron: if there is no shortage of it, it is not necessary to give it at all. But people have not even heard about hydremia of pregnant women. They have any decrease in hemoglobin -. Data on the benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy is not enough, there has been an increase in the frequency of preterm birth while taking it. Load doses vitamins during pregnancy put an excessive burden on the liver and can provoke allergic reactions afterwards.

“When I don’t take multivitamins, my nails begin to exfoliate.”

Multivitamins are such dyes for urine that make it more expensive (great for urine therapy); the effect of them speaks for iron deficiency (in complex preparations almost always iron) - and chronic iron deficiency (except for bleeding) in most cases occurs when there is a deficiency in the diet of meat or at least fish. Other common causes foliation of nails - (hypothyroidism) and fungus. When confirmed by analysis, this real deficiency can be cured for a long time, and it is better to smear fats from the outside, then they will at least visually help.

Vitamins are necessary for specific treatment - anti-tuberculosis drugs must be combined with B6 intake, and cytostatics (Methotrexate) with folic acid.

And also if you are a bum / drunk / vegan / raw foodist with your own special strict diet, then it is not surprising that sooner or later your body will lack something.

With a long-term real lack of any vitamin, people can lean back, yes, yes.

So, if you are a healthy person, do not sit on a hellish mono-diet, do not live in a God-forsaken country, do not feed helminths in yourself and do not drink the strong drugs mentioned, and also drink not so hard that until a hungry binge, then no vitamins and you don't need multivitamins. Yes, even the most expensive ones.

There is one point that allows you to think: after all, for the cost of a jar of vitamins for a whole month (300 rubles), you won’t be able to constantly provide yourself with fresh fruits and vegetables, so maybe pills are simpler?

No. Do not forget that we get these irreplaceable substances with any food, and supplementing it with just a couple of apples or a bunch of greens is not so expensive. Yes, yes, even winter greenhouse “inflated” fruits are quite well fortified.

Most a prime examplescurvy, which used to be a thunderstorm for sailors and mowed them down with whole ships, until they came up with the idea of ​​​​forcing them to drink lemon juice in barrels (without grimacing), - the answer lurked only in a vitamin C deficiency.

Alcoholic beriberi(if not very tightened) are excellently treated with an injection of a punitive cocktail of vitamins directly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks; if the element is at least a little social, you can spare him and find a vein.

malignant anemia(pernicious anemia) is a deficiency of B12 and folic acid, which does not allow your school red blood cells to ripen to adults, develops rarely and due to rather specific reasons like veganism, removal of the stomach or a wide tapeworm. It threatens with funicular myelosis, that is, the destruction of the lateral and posterior cords spinal cord, the first manifestation of it is a feeling of goosebumps in the limbs.

“So, doctor, my beautiful kitty doesn’t need vitamins before the show either?”

The article is about people, do not torture the animal - they often really need vitamins, since they are in captivity in your apartment, where it is unrealistic to recreate their natural diet (especially for exotic animals).

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy about the real health benefits of vitamins. In general, all the nutrients your body needs can be obtained from food. But for this it is important not only to create a balanced menu, but also to find quality products. And this is often a problem. That is why it is important to know what vitamins to drink in the spring. A properly selected vitamin complex will allow you to cope with the problem of hair loss, become more cheerful and improve skin condition.

What vitamins to drink in the spring

We will not tell you a secret, saying that a doctor’s consultation will help you choose the right vitamin complex or dietary supplements. Perhaps behind the standard apathy and fatigue lies other problems, for example, deviations in work thyroid gland or anemia. In this case, even the most expensive vitamin kit will not help you feel much better. So you should definitely take a blood test and get a consultation with a therapist.

First of all, in the struggle for beauty and health, it is important to put things in order in nutrition. A handful of nuts together with a chocolate bar, a vegetable salad with salmon for dinner, 2-3 servings of fruit a day, less processed foods and flour, more water and green tea - and after a couple of weeks of such nutrition, you will not only lose a couple of kilograms, but also feel more cheerful. .

Although with the help of products that are sold in our stores in the spring, you still will not be able to 100% make up for the deficiency of the substances necessary for the body.


What vitamins to take with beriberi in the spring

Do you know that vitamin deficiency is not the most correct term? This concept in medicine refers to the deficiency of one specific vitamin. In fact, the problem is often complex. In this case, it is correct to speak of polyavitaminosis.

  • In order to cope with this problem, it is important not only to choose the right set of vitamins, but also to drink them correctly. Here are some rules:
  • The course usually lasts 21 days (do not miss it!), followed by a 10-day break, after which the course can be repeated to consolidate the result.
  • It is impossible to violate the recommended dosage - useful trace elements cannot be stocked up for the future, but mineral metabolism can be disrupted, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • The course of taking multivitamins can be alternated with taking fish oil (in capsules, of course).
  • Vitamins cannot replace good nutrition, so be careful when switching to diets in the spring.

What vitamins should girls take in spring? Pay attention to these components that are responsible for beauty and health:

  • A - for beautiful skin and a healthy smile, as well as for acute vision
  • B6 - for normal operation nervous system(against PMS symptoms!), as well as active metabolism
  • C - the main vitamin for immunity
  • E - slows down the aging process, especially effective in combination with A
  • Iron - for strong nails and hair
  • D - to strengthen bones and improve skin condition, especially dry.

In early spring, you should adjust your diet. The doctor-gastroenterologist of the Moscow Beauty Center "Dolores" Olga Evgenievna SLAVINSKAYA tells.

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The awakening of nature finds us in a period of acute beriberi. This affects the general well-being, the condition of the skin, hair, nails. With a balanced diet, we must help ourselves - after all, health and beauty begin with the stomach. To do this, you must carefully monitor the intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

The spring diet is quite flexible and suits all tastes. It does not contain products that must be automatically excluded from the diet. There is one basic rule - products should be selected in such a way that all groups of vitamins enter the body.

Vitamin A

Contained in the liver, butter, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, pumpkin, carrots, sea buckthorn.

Required: for vision and bone regeneration.

On a note: Alcohol in any amount interferes with the absorption of vitamin A.

B vitamins

Required: for the breakdown of fats, normalization of metabolism, blood enrichment.

On a note: vitamin B6 is not absorbed if a woman uses hormonal contraceptives. In this case, this vitamin should be taken additionally.

Vitamin C

Contained in citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, black currants, green vegetables, sauerkraut.

Required: to stimulate the body's resistance system, helps the absorption of iron, and therefore maintains hemoglobin levels.

On a note: an overabundance is dangerous for women whose families have traced hereditary diseases such as gout and salt deposition.

Vitamin E

Found in green vegetables, eggs, milk, vegetable oil, germinated grain.

Required: to maintain the performance of muscles, vascular and endocrine systems.

On a note: vitamins E and A are effectively used in combination, they mutually reinforce each other's action.

Vitamin D

Contained in sea fish, sea kale, dairy products.

Required: to strengthen bones, retain moisture by cells, improve the condition of the skin.

On a note: a person needs vitamin D only in sunny weather, because this vitamin is synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight.

It is important to remember that in the spring the body experiences serious beriberi stress, so you should not get carried away with diets - spring nutrition should be varied.

There is an opinion that there is no vitamin richness in spring fruits and vegetables. This is only partly true. In them, of course, vitamins are preserved, although already in less. In addition, all fruits and vegetables in the spring are still rich in fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Fruits and vegetables should be part of your daily diet. It is desirable that they be special reception food. Fruits are best absorbed on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal.

It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of products in terms of assimilation time. In this regard, vegetables, which are most useful in the form of a salad mix, should be combined only with meat - these are "long-term processed" products. While bread and pasta are absorbed by the body much faster. They are best eaten with cheese or herbs.

In the spring, you should not stick to a vegetarian fashion. At least three to four times a week female body meat and animal products are needed. Along with complete proteins, they contain fats and so-called extractive substances, which serve as strong stimulants for the separation of digestive juices. Thanks to them, food is better absorbed, and the metabolism becomes balanced. The meat must be good quality and fresh.

In the spring, drink as many fruit drinks as possible from jam, compotes made from frozen fruits, and green tea. Limit your coffee intake and alcoholic beverages.

Vitamins cannot be stocked up for future use. They must be ingested daily. Ideally, a harmonious diet should include precise analysis vitamin intake throughout the day. Unfortunately, this principle is difficult to apply in practice.

However, every woman in the evening, without going into "mathematical calculations", needs to remember the menu for the day and understand which group of vitamins she "bypassed" in her diet. And if on some day you did not eat fish, liver or nuts, then take care of the diet with B vitamins. Irreplaceable and the richest source B vitamins are oats and hercules, drinks from which are especially necessary for women in early spring. It is known that many European women, following the example of English women, eat for breakfast oatmeal. It helps the intestines work, controls the absorption of fat by the body. In addition to vitamins, the composition of oatmeal includes potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, iron, manganese, and iodine. Oatmeal contains such a rare component as silicon - it prevents hair loss and strengthens their roots, fluoride compounds contained in oatmeal make teeth healthy.

Spring dizziness, weakness and depression are most often associated with decrease in hemoglobin level for which is responsible iron. Nuts help iron absorption - do not forget about them in the spring. A special place is occupied by Antonov apples - the only fruit that guarantees excellent absorption of iron. Calcium deficiency is the most common cause of spring problems associated with brittle bones and tooth decay.

Thus, the body needs not only vitamins, but also trace elements. Despite a varied diet, in the spring the body should be “nourished” with multivitamins. There are many of them now, and, naturally, each company praises its drugs. They are different in composition. When choosing vitamins, you should focus on those that are right for you. For example, if you do not like milk or rarely eat seafood, then multivitamins with a predominance of vitamin A, E, calcium and iodine are suitable for you.

I would advise you to start preparing for spring from the end of winter. Initially, it is advisable to "drank" the course Aevita. It is usually used for 10 days, twice a day, one capsule, 20 minutes before meals. Then, fish oil should be taken for two to three weeks. Fish oil is available in its natural form and with various mineral supplements. You can choose one that includes elements that are less common in your diet. Over the next month - and it will be the end of March - April - it's time to switch to multivitamins.

Allergy sufferers are better off taking vitamins and minerals separately. In a vitamin preparation "DUOVIT" vitamins and trace elements are divided into red and blue tablets, which are taken in different time day. "OLIGOVIT" And "MAKROVIT", in my opinion, one of the most balanced "spring" vitamins of the last generation. An overdose of vitamin C can cause miscarriage in pregnant women, as ascorbic acid increases uterine contractions. Therefore, rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi can be enjoyed not when you want, but once or twice a day in small portions. Vitamin A overdose poisoning is known. Women should not take vitamin D separately - it is quite enough as part of a multivitamin. IN " pure form"Vitamin D is needed only in the early childhood. With the advent of the first vegetables and fruits, nourishing the body with multivitamins can be completed.

Recipes for healing decoctions saturated with B vitamins

Oat decoction. Steam a full tablespoon of unpeeled oats in a thermos with one glass of boiling water. Leave overnight. Take a third cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. For taste, you can add honey, jam or juice.

Hercules-oatmeal drink. Boil 3-4 tablespoons of hercules in a liter of water for 5-8 minutes. Rub through a sieve and add one and a half cups of water, bring to a boil. Keep refrigerated. Drink warm at least half a glass 2-3 times a day. Regardless of meals, at any time at will.

The most important trace elements

  • Calcium present in dairy products, figs and other dried fruits.
  • Iron found in meat, beans, buckwheat, liver, egg yolk, dried fruits and chocolate.
  • Iodine comes from iodized salt and seafood.
  • Magnesium bananas, wholemeal products, potatoes, cocoa and poultry are rich.
  • Zinc found in fish, persimmon, cheese, beef and pork.

The long cold winter is finally over! Spring brings warmth, sunshine and, alas, beriberi... It is in spring that you should try to compose your diet so that the body receives as many vitamins as possible. And for those who fast, this is especially important.

Everyone needs vitamins in the spring. Therefore, you need to eat varied. This is an axiom, which, unfortunately, is neglected by many. A lot has already been said about vitamins on our website. But it never hurts to repeat the "material covered" in order to meet spring beriberi fully armed. Let's start in order.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin that requires a balanced amount of fat, protein and minerals to be absorbed. It tends to accumulate in the liver, so the body does not have to replenish its reserves every day. Vitamin A is good for vision and skin, increases the body's resistance to infections, promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, and has an anti-cancer effect. Vitamin A of animal origin is found in the liver (especially in the liver of marine animals and fish), in fish oil, butter, cream and egg yolk. Vegetable modification of vitamin A - carotene - in the highest concentrations found in carrots, pumpkins, apricots, parsley and spinach. By the way, there is almost no carotene in canned vegetables.

is found mainly in products of animal origin, and is also formed in human skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, ensures normal growth and integrity of bones. It is necessary for blood coagulation, regulation of the excitability of nerve cells, for the normal functioning of the heart. This vitamin is fat soluble. This means that if you take additional doses of this vitamin in the form of drugs, then its amount can reach dangerous levels. Most vitamin D is found in oily sea fish, fish oil, milk and dairy products.

It is also fat-soluble, but, unlike others, it does not remain in the body for long. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and free radical killer. It preserves the immune system, prevents the development of cataracts, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease, and also contributes to the accumulation of vitamin A in the body. In addition, a lack of vitamin E is fraught with hypervitaminosis D. Everything in nature is interconnected! Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, eggs, animal liver, legumes, cereals, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, herbs, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cherries, mountain ash, apple and pear seeds. Sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts also contain quite a lot of vitamin E.

- a vitamin responsible for blood clotting. It also increases the strength of the vessel walls. Vitamin K accelerates wound healing, increases muscle contraction, and provides the body with energy. This vitamin is synthesized intestinal microflora. In addition, there is a lot of vitamin K in both plant and animal products. But, nevertheless, due to improper, unbalanced nutrition, vitamin K deficiency is quite real. For example, when taking an excess amount of calcium, the internal synthesis of vitamin K is disrupted, which can lead to internal bleeding. Excess vitamin E impairs the absorption of vitamin K and reduces its effectiveness. Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, pumpkin, green peas, soybean oil, egg yolks, animal liver, fish oil.

The B vitamins are water soluble, which means that the body cannot store these vitamins and therefore must be constantly replenished.

plays an important role in metabolism, in particular, in carbohydrate metabolism. It normalizes the acidity of gastric juice and increases the motor activity of the stomach, increases the body's resistance to infections and adverse factors. environment and is extremely important for the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Vitamin B1 stimulates the brain, promotes the growth of the body, helps with "seasickness" and motion sickness. Especially a lot of vitamin B1 in dry yeast, whole grain bread, peas, cereals, bran, walnuts, peanuts, animal liver and heart, egg yolk and milk.

synthesized by human intestinal microflora. But like everything water soluble vitamins, cannot accumulate in the body, so you need to regularly eat foods rich in this vitamin. Vitamin B2 is involved in redox processes, increases visual acuity, provides better adaptation to darkness, and protects the retina from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin B2 takes part in the formation of red blood cells, is necessary for the growth and renewal of tissues, plays an important role in the breakdown and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This vitamin is very important for the health of the skin, hair and nails. Most vitamin B2 is found in animal products: eggs, meat, liver, kidneys, fish, dairy products. It is also present in herbal products. Especially a lot of vitamin B2 in green leafy vegetables and yeast.

Vitamin B3 perhaps the most abundant vitamin in nature. It is found in almost all foods, and, in addition, is synthesized by the intestinal microflora. Vitamin B3 is necessary for the normal development of the central nervous system, for the synthesis of antibodies, the normal functioning of the adrenal glands. Vitamin B3 is involved in metabolism, actively participates in the neutralization of alcohol, "drains" excess water and prevents rapid fatigue. The main sources of vitamin B3 are the liver, kidneys, heart, meat, eggs, brewer's yeast, nuts, seeds, green vegetables.

participates in protein and fat metabolism, ensures the normal operation of a huge number of enzymatic systems, is necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids and antibodies, increases the acidity of gastric juice, is needed for the normal functioning of the central nervous system ... The range of application of this vitamin is incredibly wide. Vitamin B6 is found in green peppers, cabbage, carrots, melons, as well as in eggs, liver, kidneys, heart, beef and milk.

Vitamin B9 participates in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, in the regulation of the process of cell division. This vitamin is important for growth and development, it plays an important role in protein metabolism, the formation of certain amino acids, and stimulates the immune system. Vitamin B9 has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism in liver cells, cholesterol metabolism, provides healthy look skin. Vitamin B9 is found in dark green leafy vegetables, onions, carrots, cauliflower, melon, avocados, apricots, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, egg yolk, liver, kidneys.

necessary for hematopoiesis. It stimulates growth, affects fat metabolism in the liver, is important for protein metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, and also provides the formation of the myelin sheath that covers the nerves. Sources of vitamin B12 are only animal products, with the largest amount found in offal. Lots of vitamin B12 in cheese and seafood.

Vitamin C - the most famous of the vitamins. It protects the body from many infectious and viral diseases, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, helps cleanse the body of all kinds of poisons, helps lower blood cholesterol, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, helps to synthesize and maintain a special protein - collagen, which serves as the basis for the formation of connective tissues. It is a powerful antioxidant that counteracts the damaging effects of free radicals. Products of animal origin practically do not contain vitamin C. But there is a lot of it in fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. Especially a lot of vitamin C in rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant, red pepper.

is part of the enzymes that provide cellular respiration. Vitamin PP affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems, maintains the skin and mucous membranes in a healthy state, normalizes the work of the stomach and pancreas. This vitamin is necessary for carbohydrate and protein metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation and reduces elevated blood pressure. Vitamin PP is found in brewer's yeast, whole grain bread, dried mushrooms, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, prunes, dates, beans, and also in lean meat, white poultry meat, fish, eggs, liver, kidneys, cheese.

belongs to the so-called bioflavonoids - substances without which the absorption of vitamin C cannot be complete. These substances have a powerful capillary-strengthening effect, reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, and prevent gum bleeding. Vitamin P is necessary for normal absorption and metabolism of vitamin C, protects it from destruction and promotes its accumulation in the body. This vitamin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, increases the body's resistance to infections. Vitamin P is found in citrus fruits, and in their white peel and interlobular film, in apricots, blackberries, cherries, black currants, chokeberries, buckwheat, parsley, lettuce. Interestingly, quite a significant amount of bioflavonoids is found in wine, beer, tea and coffee.

Vitamin H participates in metabolism, it is necessary for immune system, skin and nervous system. Vitamin H is essential for normal functioning gastrointestinal tract and is a growth factor. This vitamin is partially synthesized by the intestinal microflora. Most vitamin H in beef liver, egg yolk, milk, fruits and nuts.

Vitamin H helps with various forms of atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the oxidation of vitamins E and C, removes toxic substances from the body. Vitamin N is low in vegetables and fruits, but it is abundant in beef and milk.

Summing up this short digression into biochemistry, we can draw some conclusions about our nutrition in the spring and what vitamins we need in the spring. Most vitamins are destroyed by light, heat, contact with metals, medicines, alcohol and nicotine. We will not talk about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, this is already clear, but about how to cook food properly in order to preserve precious vitamins in the spring as much as possible and others useful material should be mentioned.

Cooking affects the vitamin content of foods in different ways. Therefore, you need to learn how to cook in the most gentle ways. This is baking, stewing on minimum heat, steaming. All these methods allow you to cook dishes with the least loss of vitamins. Here are some more tips on how to prevent spring beriberi:

When cooking vegetables, quite a lot of vitamins pass into the broth. Therefore, do not pour the vegetable broth, use it to prepare sauces and gravies.

Fry less! If you cannot do without frying, then try not to use vegetable oil. The point is that at high temperature in vegetable oil, especially refined, carcinogens are formed.

. You can only stew on vegetable oil. To do this, pour a little water into the pan with food, then add oil and simmer at a low temperature.

For frying, use melted butter High Quality. Do not buy ready-made ghee, it is a mixture of vegetable fats, flavors and dyes. Make your own ghee, it's easy.

Add herbs to prepared meals whenever possible. It will enrich your dishes with “live” vitamins.

If you don’t yet have the habit of preparing a salad of fresh vegetables every day, be sure to develop it. This is a very useful habit! In addition to vitamins, fresh vegetables contain special substances - phytonutrients, without which the normal process of digestion is impossible.

Add wheat germ to salads. Each sprout is a small vitamin bomb!

Eat at least one fresh fruit every day. Or make smoothies with the addition of greens! Green smoothie is a very healthy breakfast.

. Eat sauerkraut more often - it will not only saturate your body with vitamin C, but also help cleanse it of toxins accumulated over the winter.

Add bran to pastries and cereals - this is an excellent supplier of vitamin B1.

Buy dried seaweed and grind them in a coffee grinder. Mix the powder with salt - you get a healthy seasoning. The same can be done with sesame seeds.

To prevent spring beriberi, prepare a very healthy treat: grind dried fruits and nuts, taken in arbitrary proportions, through a meat grinder and mix with honey. Take this "medicine" 1 tsp. three times a day.

Eat a varied and healthy diet and stay healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina