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Proper therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis


Physiotherapy is always prescribed: it should be carried out both during remission, and during an exacerbation of the disease, and in the presence of complications - but, of course, in strict accordance with certain rules. Gymnastics in cervical osteochondrosis improves the general condition and well-being of patients, helps restore range of motion in the cervical spine, prevents exacerbations of the disease and reduces the risk of severe complications.

For a positive result, do gymnastics regularly: daily, with a gradual increase in the duration of classes and the complexity of the exercises. It is better to study in the morning - this is how you prepare for the working day and its loads. Additionally, during the day, it is advisable to do short exercises for the neck in between work. And even after the improvement of the condition, one should not stop gymnastics, so as not to lose the "returned" health again - the improvement of the condition must be continued to be maintained.

Before starting classes, consult a doctor (neurologist) so as not to harm yourself:

  • Not all exercises are safe for the spine affected by osteochondrosis.
  • In the presence of complications and during periods of exacerbations, the doctor may prescribe classes in a special soft fixing collar and tell you to perform only a few gentle exercises.
  • Best of all, if you can go to gymnastics in the exercise therapy room, or at least get instructions from the exercise therapy doctor for doing at home.

Below we give examples of basic exercises, on the basis of which you can create a complex of daily gymnastics. All exercises can be performed at home.

Warm up

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine begins with a warm-up, which:

  • warms up the neck muscles
  • prepares muscles for subsequent loads,
  • improves blood circulation in the muscles,
  • restores impaired access of blood with oxygen and nutrients to the spine and brain.

Sample workout:

Starting position (IP) Execution Method Number of approaches

Standing or sitting on a stool, arms hanging freely

Circular rotation of the shoulders forward, then back.

Two times, 5-10 movements in each direction

Standing or sitting on a stool, arms straight, spread apart parallel to the floor

Bend both arms at the elbow joints, put the hands on your shoulders. Straighten your arms, returning to the IP.

10 flexions and extensions at the expense of one or two

Standing or sitting, arms bent at the elbows, palms resting on the shoulders

Perform circular rotations from the shoulder, the elbows move in a circle, first forward, then back, then alternately (start the rotation with your right hand and connect your left hand by the time the circle is completed).

5 sets in each variation

Standing or sitting, arms straight, along the body

Circular rotations in the shoulder back and forth with straight and slightly tense arms.

Two times 5-10 movements in each direction

Spread your arms to the sides, placing them parallel to the floor. Fix the position on the account up to 5. Return to the IP.

Repeat 7-15 times

Isometric exercises

Isometric exercises are performed without moving the head and cervical spine - that is, with muscle tension alone without movement. These are gentle exercises that are allowed even during exacerbations, since when they are performed, the vertebrae do not move, the intervertebral joints are not involved, the discs and cartilage are not injured.

All isometric exercises are performed from the IP standing or sitting on a chair without a back, the duration of the execution is 5 seconds, with the number of approaches from 2 to 5. Please note that during execution, the head and neck always remain motionless.

Exercise examples:

    Fold your hands into a "lock" and place on your forehead. Pressing your palms on your forehead, try to tilt your head back, while at the same time resisting with your head so much that the head and spine remain motionless.

    Move the “lock” from the palms to the back of the head, and press with the palms, trying to tilt the head forward. In the same way, at the same time "resist" with your head, preventing your hands from tilting it.

    Place the palm of your right hand on your right cheek and press with your palm, trying to tilt your head to the side. At the same time, tighten the muscles of the neck, "resisting" with the head. Do the exercise with your left hand.

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic exercises for the neck involve various movements of the head and in the cervical spine. They are necessary to develop the spine, restore the range of motion in it and improve blood circulation, including cerebral.

Therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis do not always include dynamic exercises:

  • They are categorically contraindicated in the presence of instability in the cervical region, against the background of massive bone growths (because there is a threat of fragmentation).
  • It is not recommended to perform them with complicated osteochondrosis and during an exacerbation.
  • These exercises are an excellent means of preventing osteochondrosis, they are prescribed during remission after consulting a doctor.

Dynamic exercises are performed at a slow pace, with repetitions from 5 to 10 times in each direction. They include turning the head to the right-left, tilting forward-backward and right-left, circular movements of the head clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Additional exercises

Additional exercises restore vestibular, motor and other disorders that occur with cervical osteochondrosis, train the muscles of the shoulder girdle and thoracic region. Exercises are performed slowly, taking into account your capabilities: if you can’t do some exercise in full, give it up for a while.

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IP How to perform

Exercise "Swallow", IP standing on the floor

Spread straight arms to the sides parallel to the floor. Tilt your body forward slightly. Lift your straight right leg off the floor and back. Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds, trying to remain still and balance.

Lying on your back, hands in the "lock" under the head

Raise your head without taking your shoulders and arms off the floor. Hold your head in this position for a count of 5 to 10. Return to IP.

Perform the previous exercise, at the same time lifting your head by 10-15 cm and holding the weight first on the right, then on the left leg.

Lying on your stomach

Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor on either side of your shoulders, elbows pointing up. Straightening your arms, lift the upper half of the torso, tilting your head back. Bend your legs at the knees, stretch the toes of the feet, trying to stretch them towards the head.

Lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows and palms resting on the floor on either side of the head (elbows "look" up)

Bridge exercise. Leaning on your palms, slowly straighten your arms, lift your body and arch your back.

Final exercises

Finish the workout gradually, with muscle relaxation and restoration of breathing - this will increase the effectiveness of classes.

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At the end of the complex, lightly massage the neck.

How to build an individual gymnastics complex

  • In acute periods and in the presence of complications, only the first 2-3 exercises from the warm-up, isometric gymnastics and several final exercises are used.
  • During remission, gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis includes from 2 to 10 warm-up exercises, isometric, dynamic, additional exercises and 3-5 final exercises.
  • When you manage to complete each exercise in full and easily, you can add an additional load (warm up with dumbbells or complicate the complex).


Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a necessary element of treatment. But its effectiveness is directly proportional to the time you devote to it, and the regularity of execution. Rare, irregular and short-term exercises will not give the desired result and will not affect the condition of the spine in any way. It is also important to follow the rules of the workout, starting with a warm-up and ending with relaxation exercises. To avoid complications and deterioration of the condition, do not overstrain and experience pain during exercise.