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What exercises can not be done with cervical osteochondrosis


/ What exercises can not be done with cervical osteochondrosis

What can and cannot be done with osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis- a real scourge of modern man. The specificity of this disease is that its appearance and development is not accompanied by any signs, it manifests itself already in the later stages with pain in different parts of the spine, migraine, numbness of the extremities and a decrease in the quality of life. What will be the result of the treatment of the disease depends on the behavior of the person, his lifestyle after the diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis.

What can be done with osteochondrosis?

People suffering from osteochondrosis strive to do everything possible to avoid a relapse of an exacerbation of the disease.

To this end, some familiar “things” will have to be abandoned, but something can be left:

    Bath. The basis of the healing mechanism is external irritation, which stimulates the physiological processes in the body, due to which tension is relieved, swelling and pain in the muscles decrease. You can stay in the steam room for a maximum of 10 minutes with an interval of 10 to 20 minutes. A traditional broom can be used only after warming up the body. Alcohol is strictly prohibited, but herbal tea is shown. But, remember that during an exacerbation, going to the bath is prohibited!

    Massage. Fans of massage will immediately notice that it can be carried out at a time when the pain syndrome has already been stopped, and movements do not cause discomfort. Or during an exacerbation, but in this case, the manual impact should be directed to a healthy part of the body, which reduces pain at the reflex level. The first sessions during exacerbation are carried out very carefully, without straining the muscles, and therefore without causing manifestations of pain.

    Swimming. Shown in the absence of pain. It helps to relax muscles and increase joint mobility, but it is necessary to exclude hypothermia - a possible cause of an exacerbation of the disease. Yoga. Performing a complex of special asanas helps to strengthen and improve the muscles of the back, reduce tension between the vertebrae, improve blood supply, increase elasticity and mobility of ligaments and tendons. As a result, further development of osteochondrosis and its recurrence can be prevented, as well as partial correction of the spine can be achieved.

    Nutrition. Protein intake is very important. Why you need to add to the diet: eggs, chicken meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese. You can eat veal, lamb and pork, but you should not get carried away. Not unimportant and vegetable protein contained in mushrooms, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggplant. With osteochondrosis you need to eat: fresh vegetables and fruits. It's great if you can use freshly squeezed juices. In winter, when quality plant foods are largely unavailable, you can concentrate on consuming cabbage, beets, carrots seasoned with quality olive or sunflower oil, and supplement your diet with a vitamin complex.

Note! All of the above recommendations can be used only after consultation with your doctor!

What can not be done with osteochondrosis?

If osteochondrosis is found, then you need to understand that new bones and cartilage will not grow. But the development of this disease, and the symptoms that accompany it, can be prevented.

To do this, you need to remember what you can not do with osteochondrosis:

    Lift, carry weights. If this is not possible, then you need to lift heavy objects with a straight back and without tilting your head.

    make movements, provoking a crunch in the joints and in different parts of the spine. These movements relieve discomfort for a short time, but at the same time, they wear out the contact surfaces of the vertebrae, gradually breaking the integrity of the spine and provoking complications of osteochondrosis.

    Sleep on a high pillow. This rule must be observed with cervical osteochondrosis. The muscles of the back will tense up involuntarily, the pain will intensify, and the back, regularly being in a curved state, will contribute to spinal deformity.

    Overeat. Moreover, excess weight, with osteochondrosis, is another problem that you need to try to get rid of. The diet is described above.

    Sleep on a soft mattress or sofa. Giving rest to the head, you will not let the muscles relax, which will lead to the manifestation or aggravation of pain.

    Wear uncomfortable shoes with high heels. With osteochondrosis, you need to monitor your posture. The lack of full support on both feet violates the natural curves of the spine, provoking the development of the disease.

    Load your back in the gym. At the initial stage of recovery after treatment, serious loads are not allowed in principle!

    Nutrition. Marinades, pickles and other products with excess salt content will have to be excluded.

Some diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. It is not for nothing that experienced doctors say that movement is life! This rule also works against osteochondrosis.

Author of the article: Sokov Andrey Vladimirovich, neurologist


Most people who lead a sedentary lifestyle know firsthand what osteochondrosis is. The lower back and cervical spine are especially susceptible to diseases. Treatment and prevention of these particular types of osteochondrosis is becoming the most urgent medical problem. An effective method of fighting treatment is exercise for osteochondrosis of the neck.

Osteochondrosis of the neck is typical for those people who spend a long time in one position sitting at a desktop or computer monitor. This sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of neck pain. However, they can be avoided by doing daily exercises.

Lifestyle with osteochondrosis

You can cope with pain in the neck on your own, only for this you need to make some efforts. If you have become a victim of such an ailment as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you will have to correct your usual lifestyle in a certain way. So, if earlier you didn’t like to exercise, didn’t go to the pool, didn’t do any kind of sport, now you have to radically reconsider your attitude to sports, because your health will depend on playing sports.

You should review your daily routine and find time in your busy schedule for physical exercise, you can walk, run, swim, ride a bike. It doesn't matter what sport you do, as long as you keep moving. From now on, your life principle is movement and once again movement.

Charging with cervical osteochondrosis is very important. Physical exercises help to activate the processes of blood circulation, improve the nutrition of the spinal cord. Maintaining the functioning of the spinal cord is vital, since all organs of the human body, arms and legs, depend on the work of the nerves passing through the neck. Daily exercise will be an excellent assistant in the fight to get rid of pain and prevent further development of osteochondrosis.

Morning work-out

The morning of your working day should always begin with a set of morning exercises. Morning exercises with cervical osteochondrosis will provide invaluable benefits to your entire body throughout the working day. Some exercises can be done directly without getting out of bed. This set of exercises consists of:

  • Lie on your side and raise your head, keeping it on weight. The duration of such an exercise is five times for 5 accounts;
  • Take the starting position, lie on your stomach with your hands on the back of your head. From this position, it is necessary to raise the head, and the hands must resist, i.e. you must do the exercise with effort. And so 5 times;
  • Starting position, lying on your back. It is important that the pillow is thin. It is necessary to press the pillow with a slight effort for five seconds. 5 repetitions are enough.

Remember that all exercises for the neck during osteochondrosis should be performed with extreme caution, because sudden or incorrect movements can only aggravate the situation. A set of therapeutic exercises should be selected only by a doctor. Only an experienced specialist can choose the necessary set of exercises that will positively affect the health of your blood vessels and nerves.

Charging rules for osteochondrosis of the neck

In order for exercise for cervical osteochondrosis to become a really useful procedure that allows you to relieve pain, you must follow certain rules. First, you must remember that you should try to do exercises for the neck in any free moment. This is especially true for those people who work in offices. Exercises take no more than 5-10 minutes, and you can perform them without leaving your workplace.

Morning and evening gymnastics for the neck should be done while standing. If you begin to feel discomfort in the back of the head and neck, do not be lazy, make a couple of head turns and tilts up and down. This can prevent the spread of pain. Great if you can do neck exercises and self-massage at the same time. In addition, you can combine such exercises with a warm-up of the shoulders.


What to do with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a serious degenerative disease that affects the intervertebral discs and tissues. This ailment can lead to disability if not properly treated. The main and most annoying symptom is pain. It raises the question in patients with regards to what to do with osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is a common back disease that is rapidly getting younger. Its essence lies in the thinning of the intervertebral tissue, which leads to displacement of the vertebrae. Between all the vertebrae there are nerve fibers and roots, and so, due to the displacement of the vertebrae, they are pinched. The patient experiences severe pain in the corresponding part of the spine. To relieve pain in the state of analgesics and a few more effective ways.

People who are already tortured by osteochondrosis suffer from endless pain, which can intensify with the advent of night. This discomfort can unsettle anyone, even the most patient person. In order for life to have a familiar rhythm, it is necessary to comprehensively treat the disease. A neuropathologist is involved in drawing up a treatment regimen, which, in fact, should be contacted immediately.

Treatment Methods

Osteochondrosis requires a fairly long and complex treatment. The therapy itself is complicated by the fact that the disease affects a person from several sides. In addition, it takes a lot of time for the body to recover after treatment.

In order to save a person from such an annoying disease, several methods of treatment should be used:

These are the main methods of treatment, in addition to which acupuncture and some other methods of alternative medicine are still actively used. It is impossible not to mention manual therapy, because its sessions actively relieve pain.

Stage of exacerbation

Osteochondrosis can worsen or, on the contrary, “fall asleep”. A number of factors can cause an exacerbation of the disease. In this stage, the person experiences severe pain in the affected area of ​​the back. It does not subside day or night. In the case of cervical osteochondrosis, general weakness and headache can be observed. Against the background of impaired blood supply in the neck, dizziness appears, and even fainting. In other words, acute osteochondrosis can seriously undermine the patient's psycho-emotional background due to severe discomfort.

What to do with an exacerbation of osteochondrosis should know every patient. First of all, we can recall the medicines that were prescribed by the doctor. First of all, we are talking about analgesics. In accordance with the instructions for the drug and the doctor's prescription, you can drink one tablet. Of course, this will only take away the pain for a while. When ascertaining the stage of exacerbation, the patient should immediately contact the attending physician. This is necessary in order to draw up a more comprehensive treatment for a certain period of time.


- an indispensable component of therapy

Cervical osteochondrosis.

Diseases of the cervical spine are increasingly common diagnoses. Today, many of the patients tend to ignore medical prescriptions in terms of therapeutic exercises. However, exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are essential for a faster recovery. Of course, such gymnastics cannot be called a panacea for all problems with the spine. However, the implementation of specially selected exercises helps in the inhibition of pathology, improves overall well-being and speedy recovery.

Methods of preventive therapeutic gymnastics

The appointment of gymnastics should be supervised by an orthopedic specialist. For each patient, the program will be individual, taking into account the age factor and the characteristics of the diagnosis. The purpose of such rehabilitation should be to prevent displacement of the vertebrae and compression of the nerves.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should begin with simple movements. In the prone position, one of the hands is placed on the chest, the second on the stomach. First, a slow, smooth breath is taken, working with the stomach or diaphragm, then, in the same way, exhale the air. The main thing should be the relaxation of the whole body. Ideally, you will need 3-4 sets during the day, 10 repetitions each.

Another effective lying position, only with your back up, can be included in neck exercises for osteochondrosis. It is necessary to perform a slow raising of the head and torso. The hands will serve as a support. This position should be held for 1-2 minutes and return to the starting position. Repeat a few more times. An important point will be the correct shoulder posture, it must be strictly controlled.

In the same position - with your back up - you can turn your head in different directions, trying to touch the floor with your ear. At the appearance of the slightest pain, the exercise is stopped. The number of possible repetitions is up to 6.

Correct head tilts in cervical osteochondrosis.

Lying exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be supplemented with an exercise in a sitting position. On a slow exhalation, the torso is tilted forward. At the same time, they try to pull the chin closer to the chest. Inhaling, they try to take their head back, throwing it back a little. Do up to 3 sets of 10 times a day.

Such simple physical activity will become effective regardless of the stage of osteochondrosis, and in some cases will even contribute to partial regression. To make it easier for the patient to navigate in the correct performance of postures, you can use as an example physical exercises for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis on the video.

A set of simple exercises for home and work

Such a set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis has several important goals at once:

  • Development of the muscles surrounding the spine.
  • Strengthening the muscular frame.
  • Increased blood flow to muscles and joints.

The first exercises can be performed in a sitting position. First, smooth slow turns of the head are carried out up to 10 times in each direction. The chin should aim towards the shoulder. This helps provide mobility. Then they touch the chest with the chin - up to 10 times. This technique contributes to a soft stretching of the back muscle group.

Such exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be supplemented with an excellent warm-up for office workers who are forced to spend time at their desk for a long time. The starting position is the same sitting, the back is straightened. Working only with the neck, they try to move it back, helping with the chin. The neck cannot be extended. The number of repetitions is up to 10 times.

To strengthen the lateral neck muscles, a special warm-up is provided. It can also be included in general exercises for osteochondrosis of the neck. It is necessary to take a sitting posture, propping up one of the sides with a hand and an elbow. The palm and temple should touch. In the same direction, an inclination is carried out, and resistance is exerted by the hand. It is recommended to be in this position for about 10 seconds, the same amount after that they rest. The total number of repetitions is up to 10 times.

A special technique will be a circular warm-up with the fingertips of the temporal areas, as well as in areas just above the auricle and in the back of the head. This helps to get rid of not only emerging headaches, but also from periodic dizziness.

Some rules for performing exercises for the neck

There is a small list of general rules. They are able to turn standard exercises for osteochondrosis of the neck into a full-fledged therapeutic component. These include the following:

  • Exercise at every opportunity, especially for people with sedentary jobs.
  • Use of standing position in the morning and evening instead of sitting postures.
  • When a feeling of pain appears, perform head turns at least 10 times - for a warm-up.
  • A combination of any exercises and techniques of cervical self-massage.
  • The combination of a warm-up of the cervical zone with training of the shoulder and arms.

Such rules favorably affect not only the neck, but also the thoracic spine.

Approximate composition of the warm-up complex


Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis have not harmed anyone yet, but on the contrary, they helped to cope with the disease. How to perform the procedures correctly, what to watch out for and other related information will be discussed below.

The formation of osteochondrosis in the cervical region is becoming an increasingly common problem, and the age bar for this insidious disease is lowered from year to year, as a result of which the task of everyone is to be vigilant and pay due attention to prevention. If the disease has already manifested itself, then it is necessary to direct a whole range of methods against it, some of which the patient must carry out at home.

Here the patient comes to the aid of a variety of therapeutic gymnastic complexes for the neck, as well as compact devices for physiotherapy.

One can immediately note a unique remedy for the treatment of diseases of the spine, which is highly effective and has many positive reviews.

We are talking about the orthopedic plaster "ZB PAIN RELIEF". Large-scale clinical studies were conducted at the Stockholm Medical University (Sweden) in 2013. In total, more than 1000 men and women with various diseases of the spine and joints took part in them, who used ZB PAIN RELIEF orthopedic patches for 2 weeks. The results of the studies surprised even doctors!

Pain, both sharp and aching, disappeared in most of the subjects within 1-3 days after the start of using the patches. More than 70% of those participating in the studies have made significant progress in the treatment of chronic diseases of the spine and joints.

You can learn more about this patch at the link below - "ZB PAIN RELIEF".

According to most of the world's leading doctors, it is physiotherapy exercises for today that is the best way to prevent and fight against osteochondrosis in the initial stages, as well as serious help in eliminating symptoms and during the progression of the disease. Performing exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis, you can restore the natural state of the vertebrae and cartilaginous joints. At the beginning of the development of osteochondrosis, thanks to special sports complexes, you can completely get rid of the disease, and the general strengthening of human health will also be a good "side" effect.

However, you should not engage in dangerous experiments and self-medicate. If alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who will choose the correct dosage of loads on the neck and make up an individual exercise therapy complex (exercise therapy). Sometimes, when the patient is tormented by frequent dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis, exercise therapy is prescribed in a sitting position or even lying down.

With the appearance of osteochondrosis in children, as well as in the case of the development of radicular syndrome, it is safe to state a serious deformity of the spine, which requires an urgent appeal for qualified help. If you ignore this point, then a prolonged load will cause deformation of individual intervertebral discs and lead to serious complications. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and, at the very first symptoms, use exercise therapy against the disease in order to correct the problem by creating a strong muscle corset.

Performing regular exercises from the medical and physical culture complex, you can count on restoring the natural metabolism in the structure of the intervertebral discs, improving blood supply to the tissues, enriching the brain with oxygen, not to mention the return of mobility in the joints.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor who will control each stage, which ultimately is the key to a speedy recovery.

Charging rules for the cervical spine

Before doing exercises for cervical osteochondrosis, you should get acquainted with the basic simple rules that will improve the overall effect of the payload and allow you to turn the wellness procedure not just into a means to eliminate pain, but allows you to make it a full-fledged type of treatment.

  1. It is necessary to carry out a set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at every opportunity. This is an extremely important rule for workers in sedentary professions, and it is not difficult to follow it, because simple exercise therapy can be done in 5-10 minutes without even getting up from your chair.
  2. Every morning and evening should be a time for exercise in a standing position, since only the regularity of its implementation will achieve sustainable results.
  3. In the mornings and evenings, you need to do each exercise while standing.
  4. It is necessary to carry out one or two dozen rotations of the neck and turns of the head at the same moment as a pain syndrome forms in the cervical region.
  5. Charging should be combined with a light massage of the cervical region.
  6. Also, when free time appears, you should immediately rotate your hands in the shoulder joints.

When working at a computer, it is highly recommended to interrupt for 5-10 minutes at least once every 1-1.5 hours. This will prevent the appearance and progression of osteochondrosis, and as an additional effect, it will save the eyes. If there is no opportunity to take even such short breaks, then every half hour you can allocate at least a minute or two for head rotation and light self-massage of the neck. (On the topic: gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis).

Improving gymnastics during osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

You can start performing health-improving gymnastics only after the cessation of pain in the neck. In no case should you practice exercise therapy against the background of pain, as this can cause serious complications. If the attacks are not observed or have already passed, then doctors allow isometric exercises to be performed in a calm rhythm, which allows you to get enough muscle tension without overloading the cervical vertebrae. As a result, the muscles and tendons will be strengthened and create a strong corset that will support the head and neck.

Each of the exercises must be performed at a slow pace, avoiding sudden, jerky movements. Also, before proceeding with exercise therapy, you need to decide on a personal technique, with the choice of which a qualified specialist should help.

  1. Take a seated position with your back and neck straight. Make head turns from left to right, without sharp jerks, making 10 repetitions.
  2. From the same starting position, lower your head down, trying to press your chin to your chest and doing 10 repetitions.
  3. Take a sitting position and tilt your head back, trying to also pull your back, perform 10 repetitions.
  4. From a sitting position with lowered arms, it is required to raise the shoulders as high as possible, fixing their position for 8-12 seconds. After that, the shoulders are lowered, relaxed for 3-5 seconds and the rise is repeated again. Do 10 repetitions in total.
  5. Lie on a flat hard surface and warm up the neck area and skull in the area of ​​the hairline for 3-4 minutes. Self-massage is done with gentle squeezing movements in an intense rhythm, which can significantly improve blood circulation.
  6. It will be extremely useful for some time to rub the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, between them and above them.
  7. Finally, you can stretch the muscles behind the ear and along the back of the head with light movements in a circle.

Performing therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to control breathing, following its calm and slow rhythm. The correct breathing process will help you work with concentration, which will ultimately increase the effectiveness of physical activity. It is necessary to carry out exercise therapy at least twice a day, but it is better to increase the number of repetitions to 3-4. Also, you do not need to immediately try to achieve maximum amplitude when doing exercises, being careful and regular when doing exercise therapy. If osteochondrosis is already in advanced form, then it would be best to familiarize yourself with a set of exercises on the floor. (And also: physical education for osteochondrosis of the cervical region).

  1. Take a supine position on the floor with one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Taking a slow breath, they first raise the stomach, and then the chest area, allowing the air to calmly fill the entire volume of the lungs. It is necessary to ensure that exhalation is performed more slowly than inhalation. In total, 10 repetitions will be enough.
  2. Take a supine position on the floor on your stomach, placing your hands along the line of the body. After that, they begin to rotate their heads from left to right, trying to reach the floor level with each of the ears, performing repetitions at least five times.
  3. Take a sitting position and lower your head forward, and then back, controlling the smoothness of execution and amplitude, preventing the occurrence of pain. Perform 10 repetitions.
  4. Sit at the table and lean on it with your elbows, lowering your head to the back of the crossed palms. Having taken this position, you should press your forehead on your hands, achieving maximum muscle tension. Exercise tension on the exhale, allowing yourself to relax on the inhale. Perform 10 times.

A complex set of exercises

The following exercises against osteochondrosis of the neck are allowed to be performed only as a preventive method or to eliminate the first symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. If the development of the disease has already gone too far, then it is better to refrain from doing exercises, at least until you consult a doctor.

Cervical Relaxation Exercises

They take a standing position with their hands freely lowered. After that, they strain their arms and straighten their back as much as possible, trying to ensure that the shoulder blades and shoulders do not rise. After holding on for a few seconds (up to 5), they relax and allow the body and breath to recover. (On the topic: exercise with cervical osteochondrosis).

Twisting in the neck

Twisting is best done from a standing position, and it’s worth starting with lowering your head forward, imagining how the spine bends in an arc. It should be noted that we are talking not only about the bend of the cervical region, but about the entire spine - from the base. Then you need to make the opposite movement, slowly tilting your head back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together and feel how the spine twists back. The exercise is repeated until warmth appears in the cervical region.

Mahi hands

From a standing position, the torso is tilted forward so that it takes a position parallel to the ground, trying to keep the back straight and spread the arms in different directions. Then they swing their arms like a bird flapping its wings during the flight. At the same time, it is necessary to control the tension of the back muscles in order to prevent movements due to the inertia of the swing.

It is extremely important to remember that such exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis are permissible only with minor manifestations of the disease. In no case should they be used without medical supervision if the disease has already crossed the initial stage.

Pay attention to the unique remedy for osteochondrosis, arthrosis and injuries!

Gel "Dedushkin Secret" is the first Russian drug that makes it possible to restore cartilage tissue in the joints without surgery and injections.

You can learn more about this remedy by following the link below - Grandfather's Secret Cream.


Exercises for osteochondrosis

The effectiveness of physical exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine is felt immediately after the first classes with a properly selected complex. Therefore, when choosing it, one should focus on the stage of the disease, its form and localization. Do not stop if there is no relief. You just need to try other exercises or increase the load. The body usually tells itself what exercises it needs. You will immediately feel the relaxation and muscle work with the right exercise. You should remember this exercise and thus form your complex. Only when training significantly worsens the general condition, you should stop them and consult a doctor.

Static exercises are performed with and without weights, at a slow pace with a minimum range of motion, but with a maximum load on the muscles. The appearance of moderate pain at the moment when the muscles are tense is a normal phenomenon. Dynamic movements are performed at a fast pace. At the same time, the muscles contract and immediately relax, the pulse and breathing quicken.

With cervical osteochondrosis

Chondrosis of the cervical spine is the main cause of headaches, dizziness and noise in the head of a modern resident of the metropolis. There are very effective exercises for its treatment and prevention.

  1. Keep your shoulders and head straight. Start slowly turning your head to the left until it stops, then do the same in the opposite direction.
  2. Tilt your head back and from this position make turns to the right, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear. Do the same on the left side.
  3. Lower your chin to your neck. Make turns left and right.
  4. Put the pads of four fingers on the forehead against each other and gently press on the skin of the entire surfaces of the palms, stretching it for a minute. This stretch can also be done at the temples (longitudinally and transversely). You should also stretch the earlobe in all directions. Thus, all active points of the body are stimulated.
  5. Raise your shoulders up, touching your ears, then lower them. Then alternately raise and lower either the right or the left shoulder for 15 seconds.
  6. Press on the palm of your forehead, overcoming the resistance of the muscles. Do three times, then you can press on the palm with the back of the head (3 times), then press with the right hand on the right temple, with the left hand on the left temple (repeat 3 times) overcoming the resistance of the hands and straining the muscles of the neck. At the end, you should lower your shoulders and relax them, feel how your hands are filled with heaviness and pull your shoulders down.
  7. Massage the back of the neck muscles in circular motions for 3 minutes.

This is the most effective set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine for the treatment, as well as for the prevention of this disease. Such exercises can be performed even at the workplace approximately every 15-30 minutes.

Charging with thoracic osteochondrosis

If pain periodically occurs at the level of the chest in the spine, this may signal thoracic osteochondrosis. To protect yourself from this disease, you must constantly monitor your posture. For treatment, you need to perform simple exercises to stretch the pectoral muscles, which will increase the mobility of the thoracic segment.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair with a low back, lean on it with your shoulder blades. Begin to slowly bend back, trying to see the wall behind your back.
  2. From the same position, bend to the sides, straightening as you exhale. Breathing should be even and calm.
  3. Sitting on a chair, put your hands behind your head. While inhaling, it is necessary to bend back as much as possible, while exhaling, they will return to their original position.
  4. "Cat and Camel". Get on all fours, bend your back as much as possible, linger like this for a couple of seconds (“cat”), return to the starting position, arch your back up (“camel”), linger again for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position again. The head must be kept straight.
  5. Lie on your stomach with your hands on the floor. Bend as much as possible, trying to tear the body off the floor.
  6. From the same position, raise your legs and head up, bending the thoracic region as much as possible.
  7. Stand in the doorway. Put your palms on the upper jamb, put half-bent elbows on the side ones. Leaning on your hands, bend forward as much as possible, while throwing your head back.

Exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

Low back pain occurs in almost every person. After all, it is this section of the spine that bears the entire main load of the human body, performing the function of a shock absorber. A set of exercises is a good prevention of the development of osteochondrosis and is also intended for its treatment. It unloads ligaments, muscles, joints, relaxes the vertebrae. All exercises are performed from a lying position on your side, on your back or on your stomach. So the spine is completely relaxed and the pressure on the intervertebral discs is reduced by half compared to the vertical state.

Before you perform the exercises, you need to relax the vertebrae and hang a little on the horizontal bar. You can buy special wall complexes (Swedish wall, a set of expanders, a horizontal bar), or you can simply insert a piece of a water pipe into a doorway. It is necessary to hang on the horizontal bar for 2 minutes, or as far as the strength of the hands allows. In this case, it is necessary to concentrate on the spine: relax, stretch vertebra by vertebra from top to bottom.

  1. Do the classic exercise “Bicycle” with your feet forward, then back.
  2. Straighten your legs and do another well-known scissors exercise. They can be done both vertically and horizontally.
  3. Bend your legs in turn, lift up, straighten and lower. Now do this exercise with both legs together.
  4. From a position lying on your stomach, fix your legs and begin to bend back, while keeping your hands on the back of your head. Inhale as you bend, lower as you exhale. Do 10 times. At first, this exercise is very difficult. But as the muscles strengthen, you can already add weights in the form of dumbbells or sandbags in your hands.
  5. Do twisting, while trying to bend your legs, turn your knees in one direction, and your head in the other.

In the subacute phase of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to perform exercises 2 times a day, each 10 times with good health. You can bend and unbend the feet, at the same time squeezing the fingers into a fist and unclenching them. Alternately raise your arms up or pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest. All these exercises will greatly help alleviate the condition with osteochondrosis of the spine. After a period of exacerbation, all the above exercises should be performed more vigorously and with greater amplitude.

When all the exercises are chosen correctly, they are able to relieve pain in osteochondrosis and restore the vertebrae to their former mobility.


What exercises can be done with cervical osteochondrosis?

Circular movements are now trying not to be recommended, because they can destroy the joints of the cervical region. In any case, if they are done, then very moderately and carefully.
Since the main task of exercise therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis is to strengthen the muscles that support the spine and improve blood circulation, static exercises are very effective. For example, put the palm of your right hand on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right temple and press your head on your hand, while resisting with your hand. Then you relax. The same must be done on the left side, from the side of the forehead and the back of the head, as well as from above and under the chin. Thus, the muscles tense up, train, blood rushes to them, which means that the nutrition of all tissues improves. There is a good similar exercise that is performed lying on your back: lift your head literally a few centimeters from the floor and hold for 1-2 minutes (as long as you can). Then lower your head to the floor and relax all the muscles. Harmless and very effective.
If something is not clear, write.


During an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, it is better not to do exercises)

Nikolai Koltyshev

exclude: axial loads on the spine, bench press, peri-extension in the cervical spine, shock loads (running, jumping). Phys. loads only in the remission stage

Well, if there is a soulmate, then let him rub you and lightly massage your neck. And then circular movements at the limit of possibilities. Until 32-35 years old

Gymnastics http://video.yandex.ru/users/pp19569/view/35/
Exercises http://video.yandex.ru/users/serho-v/view/42/
Books http://www.koob.ru/bubnovskiy_sm/
Osteochondrosis http://bookz.ru/authors/sergei-bubnovskii/osteohon_716.html
And water 2-3 liters per day http://www.koob.ru/batmanghelidj/kak_lechitmz_boli_v_spine_i_revmaticheskie_boli_v_sustavah
In any situation, X-rays, MRI (up to hernias) will help kinesitherapy. Joints and cartilage normally function (feed and dispose of waste products) only due to blood flow, which is possible only due to the work of nearby muscles. And the water regime. If there is not enough free water in the body, all organs, including cartilage, suffer from dehydration.

Sergey Stepanychev

PCP, you are right! YOGA for muscle stretching. Not to pain. Start with exercises for the spine. And a contrast shower.

fumbling in the dark

head forward, backward, to the left, to the right, in a circle, do not raise your shoulders absolutely.

Pavel Makarov

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis
To relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle
1. Starting position (I. p.) Standing
Arms bent at the elbows, hands on the shoulders
Circular movements in the shoulder joints forward and backward.
10 -15 times. Average pace
2.I. n. too (“waving wings”) Hands the same
Take your elbows to the side and lower to the side of the chest.
10 -15 times. Average pace
3.I. n. too. Hands are the same
Bending back, take your elbows back to connect the shoulder blades. Bring your elbows forward so that they meet on your chest.
10 -15 times. Average pace
Strengthening the muscles of the neck
One week after regular exercise
I. p. Standing or sitting at the mirror
1. Put your palms folded into a castle on the back of your head. Press hands on the back of the head, and the back of the head on the hands. At the same time, keep your head straight, without deviating to the side.
2. Put your palm on your temple and cheek. Press the palm on the head, and the head on the palm, while keeping the head straight. Follow yourself in the mirror.
Repeat the same on the other side
Repeat all exercises three times. Duration of tension: 1st week: 3 sec. ; 2nd-3rd week: 5 sec. ; 4th and further 7 sec. With obligatory relaxation: 1st week: 4 sec. ; 2nd-3rd week: 6 sec. ; 4th and further 8 sec.
Don't forget to relax! !
With these exercises, there may be: flashing before the eyes, noise in the ears.
This is normal and goes away quickly.
Stretching the neck.
After two weeks of regular practice.
1. Gently and slowly tilt the head first to one shoulder, then to the other.
2. Turn your head gently, without sudden movements, to the right until it stops, then to the left until it stops to the side.
3. Lower the chin to the right shoulder and “draw” the “collar” with the chin to the left shoulder.
4. Lower the chin to the left shoulder and “draw” the “collar” with the chin to the right shoulder.
5. Repeat these exercises 4-5 times. The pace is slow. IP - sitting or standing.
1.Sleep on a low pillow; sit and stand with your neck up.
2. Before and after classes, you can do self-massage of the neck and collar area for 3-5 minutes.
3. Classes of therapeutic exercises should be carried out 2-3 times a day.
4. All exercises, except for exercises on the shoulder girdle, should preferably be carried out in the cervical collar.
Wear it constantly and sleep in it is strictly prohibited! !

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